Characterful and Chronological Connotations
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Countdown to Floridaaa!!!
Sometime in Mid-November I will be moving to Florida and I am super excited! I absolutely cannot wait for it! I have lived there for a couple years already as a child before moving to Indiana and I miss it so much. I have had it with this state and its stupid unpredictable weather that constantly gives me headaches. Time to start a new chapter in my life!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Happy New Year 2014!
Wishing everyone a happy and safe new year!!
I'm excited to see what 2014 brings! It should be quite spectacular.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday!
My day was uneventful but yesterday I was pretty busy so today I was pretty lazy and just snuggled up in blankets on my couch and watched Christmas movies. If you haven't yet, please visit my YouTube channel and watch my daily Christmas vlogs. As a lovely Christmas present, I would greatly love and appreciate if you subscribed :) Vlogging everyday is really hard...It got easier when school was over for winter break but for the first two weeks vlogging really struggled. But I'm proud that I have completed all 25 Christmas vlogs in time. It was fun and I will may do it again next year. [But we will see]. To those who have watched all my vlogs thank you so so much I love you!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Vlogmas on YouTube!
Hey everyone!
I am posting daily vlogs on my YouTube channel for the 25 days until Christmas so if you would be so kind to check out all my videos. I would greatly appreciate it! Also I would love it if you subscribed :)
Sunday, December 1, 2013
RIP Paul Walker
I am absolutely heartbroken that one of my favorite people has passed away. I cant even handle it.
I cannot believe it when I heard. I am deeply saddened by this and my sincerest condolences and prayers go to his friends and family. I will always love and remember him. He was beautiful inside and out. Such a sweet and caring man to be gone so soon is not right. We lost him but God has received him as an Angel. Paul, you will be missed very much! God bless your soul and kind heart, may you rest in peace. **moment of silence**
Also RIP to the man that was in the car with Paul as he also was killed. Such a tragedy to be in that horrible car accident. What could have happened to crash into a tree and burst into flames? It is quite a mystery. And probably one that will forever remain a mystery. I loved every Fast and Furious film he has made and who knows how the seventh film will be affected since he did not finish filming. He was an incredible actor. Although I loved the F&F films, my favorite film that he was in has to be Eight Below. That film was very well done and very emotional. I cannot believe that he is gone. I will no longer have the joy of seeing his beautiful smiling face. He will always be in my thoughts. I love you Paul Walker. Rest in peace sweetheart.
I cannot believe it when I heard. I am deeply saddened by this and my sincerest condolences and prayers go to his friends and family. I will always love and remember him. He was beautiful inside and out. Such a sweet and caring man to be gone so soon is not right. We lost him but God has received him as an Angel. Paul, you will be missed very much! God bless your soul and kind heart, may you rest in peace. **moment of silence**

Monday, November 4, 2013
R5 at the Chicago House of Blues
On October 30th I went with a friend to the R5 concert in Chicago! I had the absolute best time! I haven't had that much fun in a really really long time. I loved every second of it. It was #Loud and I was definitely #DancingOutMyPants. I didn't get to meet them because the VIP tickets were sold out when I bought my concert tickets and the band wasn't around after the show At least I didn't see them anywhere. But I will meet them someday. I'll promise you that.

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The Chicago House of Blues was so beautiful! I have never been there before and I was so amazed by it. The outside looked cool but it was the inside that blew me away. I loved it!
Brandon and Savannah opened for R5 and they were good. I enjoyed listening to them. Good energy. Ryland was next. It was awesome watching him do his DJ thing on stage. It was packed all around me on the floor and the screaming was sometimes unnecessary. Any noise that came behind the closed curtains made the crowd scream their heads off. I mean come on, really guys? Really? It got annoying but whatever I was there to enjoy the concert so I didn't let it bother me. Even though it sorta did.
Well I think that's it for this post. I think I covered everything that happened. I will add more later if I forgot something, I did forget one thing actually. I stood so much and for so long that my back hurt so bad and my back hurts when I stand for even a half hour so after two hours I thought I was gonna fall down. But I didn't. How embarrassing would that have been? Oh and there were all these tall people in front of me so there were times when I couldn't see very well. That was a fail and also irritating. But otherwise I had a good view when they weren't jumping around. I stood on my toes for a while but I could only do it for so long. My friend and I were standing pretty close to the stage but there were still several people in front of us. Next time we will be closer. Like first row. R5 has the best life. They're so lucky. And they deserve it, they work hard in what they do. I love you Ross, Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Ratliff and Ryland!!!! You guys truly rock the world. Mark and Stormie are pretty awesome too. I wish they were my parents. Lol.
Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for reading!
Until next time...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
#GetLoud with R5!!!
My all time favorite band is for sure R5! I love them so much! They are all so incredibly talented and I envy them for it. Simply because I am not talented. . . in anything. I try to be but it doesn't work out quite great.
They just released their first album "Louder" on September 24 and I have two copies! One for jamming in my car and one for my computer to jam while at home. I actually won the first copy from a Just Jared Jr contest and received it a day before the album released to the public. You bet I felt special to have it before everyone else! BAM. Did I mention it was autographed by every member of the band? I didn't? Well it was. That's extra exciting! And I bought the second copy at Target. So I strongly recommend everyone to go buy #Louder by R5! Whether it's from Target, Walmart or iTunes, go get it and listen to it! Every song is amazing! Make sure to #GetLoud and dance around with the songs! How could you not when they're so upbeat and lively?
[UPDATE: after listening to the album every time i get into my car and drive places, my top five list has changed but only somewhat. New list: #5 Cali Girls. #4 Pass Me By. #3 Forget About You. #2 Crazy 4 U. #1 Here Comes Forever]
So yeah like I said, I can't stop listening to them and I love them so much! I haven't been to any of their concerts yet but it will happen! I will go and meet them and dance my butt off and it will all be super fantastic. Because they rock hard and have so much fun.
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Photo credit: |
I absolutely love each and every song R5 sings but here are my most favorite ones I can just put on repeat for hours, counting down from fifth favorite to first and most favorite:
[Note: "Loud" can interchange with "I want you bad"
depending on my mood for the day]
5. I Want You Bad
4. Fallin' For You
3. Pass Me By
2. Crazy 4 U (not on album)
1. Here Comes Forever
I can put these songs on repeat and listen to them for hours. I love it them much. But I love the other songs a lot also.
[UPDATE: after listening to the album every time i get into my car and drive places, my top five list has changed but only somewhat. New list: #5 Cali Girls. #4 Pass Me By. #3 Forget About You. #2 Crazy 4 U. #1 Here Comes Forever]
So yeah like I said, I can't stop listening to them and I love them so much! I haven't been to any of their concerts yet but it will happen! I will go and meet them and dance my butt off and it will all be super fantastic. Because they rock hard and have so much fun.
Ross, Riker, Rocky, Rydel and Ratliff, you guys are the best!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I love you, Google
I Google everything. Anything that comes to my weird mind. I think I use Google at least one hundred times per day. No lie. And not just because it's the default page on the chrome browser but even when I use firefox or internet explorer I go to Google first to look up stuff. I love Google. It knows everything, literally everything. And I love when the Google logo changes in honor of a special event. So imagine my surprise when I went on it after midnight (the 17th) right before going to bed only to see the Google logo changed to a birthday theme. So I'm like, awesome whose birthday is it today? (Besides mine). I scroll over and see this:

Was I really seeing this? Google was wishing me happy birthday?
I literally stared in shock with my jaw dropped for like five minutes.
I couldn't believe this. Then I teared up and stared some more.
I get my own special Google logo for the whole day.
And I thought this day wasn't going to be fun. Google (and of course the people behind Google) you made my day already special! You are the first to say happy birthday to me. I very much appreciate it!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
What's sparkly, blue and beautiful?
Happy Labor Day!
In honor of the holiday here is a special photo:
In honor of the holiday here is a special photo:
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*Peace, LOVE, Happiness* |
My new, perfect, blue sparkly nails! The picture doesn't do it justice at all. Sure they look cute on the photo but in reality. . . oh my goodness. I can't stop looking at them they're too preeeeetty!! You would expect this polish to cost $6+ and only available at high end beauty shops but here is the awesome part! I bought mine at Walmart for only $3! Can you believe it?! It is definitely worth a lot more than what it costs. I am in love with the color and the sparkliness. It reminds me of Elle from Legally Blonde. I can't remember if it was her nails or swimsuit or what she wore but it was exactly the same color and sparkly. Can you tell I'm so excited about this? So if you like bright and bold nails, what are you waiting for. . . get yours today! You'll be happy you did! Post comments on your thoughts and if possible post a pic of you wearing the nail polish!
Have a sparkly day!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
School Is Back In Session
Let the fun begin!
Back to struggling to go to sleep early. Like midnight.
Back to waking up early. Like 7am.
Back to going to class.and falling asleep.
Back to doing homework and taking tests.
Back to. . . ugh.
Wish me luck guys! I will definitely need it. I will work my brain to death this semester. I always blog even if I am busy so if I stop blogging in December (semester end), ya'll know what happened. And the semester ends a week later this year!
Back to struggling to go to sleep early. Like midnight.
Back to waking up early. Like 7am.
Back to going to class.
Back to doing homework and taking tests.
Back to. . . ugh.
My schedule:
Biology (third semester) to start things off in the morning.
Then Chemistry.
Followed by two labs (bio and chem).
Next is Calculus. Kill me.
And finally, to end the day is Bio-Psychology. Otherwise known as Behavioral Neuroscience. This class I am actually looking forward to. And it's with one of my favorite teachers!
8am-6pm. Basically like a full work day.
I should be getting paid.

Leave comments of encouragement please and thank you.
Until next time. . .
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Shocking News of the Summer
I just can't believe it.
Two celebrity deaths within one week. Gia Allemand from The Bachelor and Lee Thompson Young from The Famous Jett Jackson both died at age 29.
First I hear that Gia is rushed to the hospital in critical condition only to pass away two days later on August 14. She seemed so happy and was always smiling. Beautiful girl with a good heart. It's a huge mystery why she took her own life. My thoughts and prayers go to Gia's family and friends during very sad and difficult time. I was completely shocked by this news. It's very tragic and heartbreaking. Rest in peace dear Gia.
Five days later on August 19, after learning of Gia's death, another beloved celebrity is found dead. The Famous Jett Jackson star Lee Thompson Young. Oh my God. This was truly unbelievable. My heart broke for Gia and now it's shattering even more for Lee. I have loved watching Jett Jackson on Disney channel when I was younger. I watched every episode and the movie as well as anything else he was in. I was completely speechless and in shock when this news broke out. He was also 29 like Gia. It is all so tragic and sad. My thoughts and prayers are also with Lee and his family and friends. Rest in peace dear Lee. You will be missed.
Two deaths in less than one week of two beloved people. Both declared suicides. On the outside they both seemed happy but who knows what they were feeling inside. What drove them both to take their lives at a young age? It will forever remain a mystery.
RIP Gia Allemand
RIP Lee Thompson Young
Two celebrity deaths within one week. Gia Allemand from The Bachelor and Lee Thompson Young from The Famous Jett Jackson both died at age 29.
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Photo credit: ABC |
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I love this photo Photo credit: ABC |
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Photo credit: CBS |
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Photo credit: Disney |
Two deaths in less than one week of two beloved people. Both declared suicides. On the outside they both seemed happy but who knows what they were feeling inside. What drove them both to take their lives at a young age? It will forever remain a mystery.
RIP Gia Allemand
RIP Lee Thompson Young
Sunday, August 4, 2013
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Since my name is Sabina (no relation to the place. . . I wish) I guess I have a bigger connection and feel more emotional about the place than anyone. I am making a promise to myself right now that I will live there someday. It will be done. It's my destiny as a Sabina to live there and do Sabina things.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
A Royal Baby Celebration
Hello world this is Sabina coming at you with breaking news. . .
So after two days since the birth of the royal baby, Kate and William announce the little prince's name. It's the most perfect name ever, George Alexander Louis. How cute is that?! I could just die. He is not only cute but very special. He is third in line for the throne. After his dad and grandpa. Such a big responsibility to be the future king of England. I have always loved England I want to live there some day. I mean I really really really reallyyyyy want to live there! First I need a great job and lots of money. Once I have that I will make the move and be absolutely happy residing in beautiful London. Maybe develop an English accent, that would be splendid. I would have to or else I would sound like a douche from some foreign land. But by that time Prince Charles will rule as king. Although it might be Prince William as king because I have recently read that Queen Elizabeth plans to bypass Charles and pass the throne to William. So of that's true then happy late birthday William you get to be king thirty years earlier! As for Charles. . .wow man that really sucks for you. Homeboy waited for over sixty years to become king and now it's like, sorry not happening! I know I would be angry. Unless he doesn't give two royal craps about becoming king and was gonna abdicate anyway then that's cool it's all good for William. So we will just see what happens.
A royal baby has been born!!
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Photo Credit: ABC News |
Yes Prince William and Duchess Kate have a most adorable baby boy. He came into the world at 4:24 pm London time on 22 July. I am so happy for them! I wish I was in England when the baby was born it would have been an amazing experience to see the little Prince with his royal parents and all ten million people there as well. Unfortunately I couldn't be there due to being broke so I had to watch the whole thing online. But it was live and damn it I watched the whoooole thing. It took hours. From the second the news started covering it I was there as a virtual presence. I absolutely love babies and to see this little guy who is not even twenty four hours old is incredible. Kate looked fabulous, her dress reminded me of Princess Diana's when she presented William to the world on the exact steps thirty one years ago. [Obviously I wasn't alive when that happened but I found the video online and watched it] Anyways, we all miss the dear princess. Kate is so lucky to have married William and have a baby with him. Happy birthday little Prince! Oh and in England they call diapers "nappies". That's awesome. And I painted my nails in honour [British spelling] of the baby boy. Don't they look gorgeous.
Photo credit: me [Sabina] |
Back to the baby. . .
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Photo credit: Google UK |
I can honestly say I spent all of Monday. . . and Tuesday. . . and Wednesday reading and watching videos both live and not about the royal baby. Colour me obsessed. [colour=British spelling]. I announced my congratulations on Twitter, Facebook, email, texts, yelling in my backyard to anyone outside. [just kidding about the last few] and I signed the baby guestbook on Google Plus. You should too. There's like a billion signatures on it.
So in January the Queen changed the law about which child inherits the throne. Before it was if the firstborn is a boy he automatically is the heir, however if a girl is born she will be the heir if later she doesn't have any boy siblings. If she does then the younger brother is the heir. How unfair is that? But the Queen decided that has to change. Not for her child but for her grandchild. The law now says the firstborn, no matter what sex, will be the heir. Many people including myself were hoping Kate has a girl because of that change. That would be history being made right there. The girl would be a Princess instead of a Lady. Now that is fair. Thank you Queen Elizabeth. But the change was unnecessary due to the royal baby is a boy so we will have to wait a while to see if the next royal baby will make history happen. Prince George's child! I will be quite old then, in my fifties. Ughh I don't want to be old! And imagine how awesome the Trafalgar Fountain would have looked in pink water!
So with all this being said. . .
Congratulations to William and Kate on the birth of their beautiful son! May all the happiness and health be with the royal family. I send you many, many hugs and best wishes. Have fun and good luck with parenting!
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fake Kate and Will Photo credit: |
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fake Kate and Will Photo credit: |
I also recently discovered there is a Kate look alike [actually there are several]. As well as look alikes of the following: Prince William, Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth, Kate's sister Pippa, Prince Charles and I know I'm forgetting a few but it's okay the main family is accounted for. I couldn't believe it! There are people who look exactly like the royal family. Where's my twin? And it's not even for protection purposes, it's solely for entertainment. These people make mad money pretending to be the royal family. I want that job! Sh*t I wouldn't have to work a single day in my life if I looked like a royal and got paid thousands of dollars for it. I mean gawd damn. So jealous right now.
Now fake William and fake Kate need a fake baby. . .
Now fake William and fake Kate need a fake baby. . .
Until next time. . .
royal xo
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Insomnia to the Fullest
Yeah I have been going to sleep around 6am for about a week now.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Actually I lied. So many things are wrong with me but nothing relevant to this issue. . .I think.
There was one time it was still night time when I fell asleep. I think it was around 5:30am. Sooo not much sooner than usual but at least it was still night time. I should really watch the sunrise since I see daylight before going to sleep. I mean what else do I have to do at 6:15am? Yeah that's a great idea I will watch the sunrise in a few hours! [I will most likely be up but if not then I will be sad that I fell asleep early] On school nights I go to sleep around 1:30am.
So with that said you're probably wondering what time I wake up. Somewhere between 1pm and 3pm. It varies.
Today it was 1:30pm. It kinda sucks because some of my day is already over and I wasted it sleeping. But it's not like I have things to do that requires me to be up early. Like school or anything. Thank goodness. I am glad I don't have to wake up every single day at freaking 7:30am. Ugh I am so not a morning person. Don't judge me. I haven't slept that late since. . . I don't remember when. Middle school? Elementary school? A very long time ago. So it's quite weird to sleep that late now.
Tomorrow I will go to the beach or a water park or something. So waking up around noon should be good and then I have the rest of the day to soak up the sun and get my tan on. Please don't be cloudy. Although I think you actually get tanner when it's cloudy. It's what I've heard.
Well it's 3:30am now I want to go to sleep but. . . I. JUST. CAN'T. I mean I can try lying in bed, closing my eyes and counting sheep but I would have better luck winning the lottery. I get so restless in bed when I'm trying to sleep but can't. I end up getting up, watching tv and eating some food. Whatever it is. Even if I'm not in the least bit hungry. I eat when I'm bored. There's nothing to do at night. It gets really boring. But I always find something to do online. A project of some sort. Mostly I just watch videos on YouTube, I love that website. Best around.
So there is an insight of what my life has become. The life of an insomniac.
I don't believe in sleeping pills. They'll kill you. [You never know]
In other news...
How on Earth does my bowl of pineapple look like the pineapple pictured on the can??? I demand an explanation of that! The damn things are mashed up like apple sauce for babies who don't have any teeth to chew them. When I bought this can of ''crushed'' pineapple, I expected to find small pineapple chunks like those pictured. But no I had to basically drink my bowl of pineapple sauce. #Fail. #Disappointed. #LateNightSnack. It tasted good but come on I had to eat the whole can to get satisfied. And in about ten minutes I will be raiding my fridge/pantry for something else to eat. Solely due to boredom.
Alright now it's 4:30am. What to do. . . what to do. . .
I will get back to watching youtube vids. This is a long blog post. Didn't plan on that at all.
Until next time. . .
Check out my Bachelorette posts on my All Things Bachelor/ette blog! Either click or visit the top tabs :)
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Actually I lied. So many things are wrong with me but nothing relevant to this issue. . .I think.
There was one time it was still night time when I fell asleep. I think it was around 5:30am. Sooo not much sooner than usual but at least it was still night time. I should really watch the sunrise since I see daylight before going to sleep. I mean what else do I have to do at 6:15am? Yeah that's a great idea I will watch the sunrise in a few hours! [I will most likely be up but if not then I will be sad that I fell asleep early] On school nights I go to sleep around 1:30am.
So with that said you're probably wondering what time I wake up. Somewhere between 1pm and 3pm. It varies.
Today it was 1:30pm. It kinda sucks because some of my day is already over and I wasted it sleeping. But it's not like I have things to do that requires me to be up early. Like school or anything. Thank goodness. I am glad I don't have to wake up every single day at freaking 7:30am. Ugh I am so not a morning person. Don't judge me. I haven't slept that late since. . . I don't remember when. Middle school? Elementary school? A very long time ago. So it's quite weird to sleep that late now.
Tomorrow I will go to the beach or a water park or something. So waking up around noon should be good and then I have the rest of the day to soak up the sun and get my tan on. Please don't be cloudy. Although I think you actually get tanner when it's cloudy. It's what I've heard.
Well it's 3:30am now I want to go to sleep but. . . I. JUST. CAN'T. I mean I can try lying in bed, closing my eyes and counting sheep but I would have better luck winning the lottery. I get so restless in bed when I'm trying to sleep but can't. I end up getting up, watching tv and eating some food. Whatever it is. Even if I'm not in the least bit hungry. I eat when I'm bored. There's nothing to do at night. It gets really boring. But I always find something to do online. A project of some sort. Mostly I just watch videos on YouTube, I love that website. Best around.
So there is an insight of what my life has become. The life of an insomniac.
I don't believe in sleeping pills. They'll kill you. [You never know]
In other news...
How on Earth does my bowl of pineapple look like the pineapple pictured on the can??? I demand an explanation of that! The damn things are mashed up like apple sauce for babies who don't have any teeth to chew them. When I bought this can of ''crushed'' pineapple, I expected to find small pineapple chunks like those pictured. But no I had to basically drink my bowl of pineapple sauce. #Fail. #Disappointed. #LateNightSnack. It tasted good but come on I had to eat the whole can to get satisfied. And in about ten minutes I will be raiding my fridge/pantry for something else to eat. Solely due to boredom.
Alright now it's 4:30am. What to do. . . what to do. . .
I will get back to watching youtube vids. This is a long blog post. Didn't plan on that at all.
Until next time. . .
Check out my Bachelorette posts on my All Things Bachelor/ette blog! Either click or visit the top tabs :)
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Fireworks at Silver Beach

I love fireworks. They are always so pretty to look at. And fireworks at Silver Beach in Michigan are even better to look at than anywhere around South Bend or Fort Wayne. I had a great time at the beach. Jaimie and I arrived around 6:30pm and just played in the sand making sand castles and enjoying the weather. It wasn't too hot so that was good. I don't like boiling to my death. Surprisingly the fireworks didn't start until eleven and I was becoming annoyed that it started that late. The one time I went before I don't think they started that late. But maybe they did, I don't remember. It was a few years ago. Last year I believe I watched the fireworks at the 4H Fair which was also fun but Silver Beach fireworks are much cooler. Not to mention the beach itself. I love beaches. Michigan beaches, Florida beaches, Croatia beaches, they are all incredible. Especially Croatia beaches. I mean the Adriatic Sea is magnificent and so blue that you want to swim in it all day. Overall my Independence Day went great. Except the whole beach parking misadventure. That was truly awful. To drive around the damn beach for over one and a half hours is really ridiculous! There was absolutely no parking available anywhere! Not the paid parking near the beach, not the paid parking farther away, not the free parking even farther. Not anywhere! I wish I was exaggerating. I was going to scream and just stop traffic if I didn't find a spot to park. Finally I found a spot and it was near the beach. Thank God. Walking with Jaimie to a far away parking spot would be a nightmare of its own. Especially at 11:30pm when the fireworks ended and I couldn't see where I was going. I think I would have screamed then too. But I got lucky with the parking. I wish I could have been lucky an hour sooner but it's okay. It all worked out. Yeah the traffic afterwards was bad. But at least we were in our car. Waiting. Just waiting. To move. Even a little inch forward. But nothing. There was no moving. For forty minutes we sat in the parking lot. That's what happens when everyone from Michigan and everyone from Indiana and probably a few hundred people from other states come to the same beach. Traffic gets a little crazy. There was seriously no walking room on the beach. It was the most people I have ever seen in my entire life! From shoreline to where the sand ends on the road there were people sitting. If I had to guess how many people were there, I would say at least five million. And that number feels small to say.
Next year I want to see fireworks somewhere else. Somewhere more exciting. I had a great time at the beach but I like adventure and new things. I'll visit the fireworks at the beach again some year.
Until next time...
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Running [day two]
Today is the second day of my new hobby: running. It was another fun and successful run. I ran a little less today [2.8 miles] because my leg muscles started to hurt. I was bored during the run because tennis was on tv. I need to not forget my headphones to listen to music on my phone. Yesterday the Ellen Show was on and I love her so I wasn't bored but I don't fancy watching tennis for an hour. It was a good run but when I got home and relaxed my muscles while doing absolutely nothing productive online, I got up an hour later to get something to eat and holy crap I almost fell down because every centimeter of both of my legs from butt to toes hurt so bad!! I guess this is what I get for not exercising forever and then suddenly exercising a lot. I can barely walk and when I do I struggle. This is sad. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow so I can go running again but I doubt it. Ugh. I need to run at least one mile a day for at least three days a week. I already ran six miles this week in the two days combined but that's still one day short. It would be fun to run on the beach alongside the shoreline with the beach air surrounding me and the sound of waves crashing. But I would probably heatstroke, collapse and die so maybe shouldn't do that. I'll just do what I usually do at the beach: lay out and suntan with occasional dips in the water. I wish I lived on the west coast of California so I can go to the ocean instead of Lake Michigan. Not that there's anything wrong with the lake, it's great and not salty but salty air is better for your health.
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