Friday, April 19, 2013

Indiana Struggles At Life

Yeah. Living in Indiana is so retarted. Its spring weather goes from 75 degrees one day to 40 degrees the very next day. Of course I'm talking about today and yesterday as examples. It was nice and warm and sunny (but later stormed) yesterday and today... omg! It felt like I was back in February not April. I want to move to California. I'm not even joking. Someday. (Hopefully). But for right now I must stay and endure the strange weather in Indiana. I don't even know why my family moved here. Honestly. And we moved from Florida! What the freaking eff! Whatevs. The parentals decided to torture my soul by moving to a state with constant freakish weather. But I have this lovely blog on the interweb to share with all of you of my unhappy being. I had a friend in high school and her family moved from California. Actually I had a few friends that moved from California. Why on Earth would you do that? What possessed you to come to Indiana? I guess this state can be way awesome for people who like odd weather and a bunch of nothingness. Well there is corn. Plenty of corn, everywhere. So that's good! I like corn. Indianapolis is pretty cool so if you come to Indiana visit the state capital. I like adventure and exploring places and I love to sight-see so it would be interesting for my boring life to live in a bigger city and actually have things to go do on weekends. I love to take road trips and I have visited a few places and I want to broaden my horizon and explore more areas. Since summer is coming soon I'm planning another road trip but recently I learned that might not happen due to the fact that I have to retake my dumb math class again. Ugh math fails, not just struggles but fails, at life. (Please don't point out that this phrase doesn't make sense because I know it doesn't... just go with me on it so we can all be happy). I'll discuss my feelings toward math in another post. But for right now it's adios amigos!

Until next time...

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